The ultimate outdoor summer games edit

When the sun is shining, it's time to get outdoors for some fun and games. Here’s our edit of the very best games and sport sets for children and big children that are available right now from the Party Pieces store...


2 in 1 Pop Up Goals

Pop-up football goal pegged into a grass lawn

Much better than just sticking down jumpers for goalposts, these pop up goals are easy to put up and pack away, can be secured to grass with metal pegs and come with a carry bag for easy transportation. Perfect for kickabouts in the park or mini-tournaments in the back garden.


Party Pieces wooden boules set on a green grass lawn

Bring the atmosphere of holidays in the south of France to your garden with a smart boules set. This is a casually paced game that cries out to be played with a drink in hand (or close at hand, at least!) The rules couldn’t be simpler (nearest boule to the jack wins!), so this really is one for all ages to enjoy.


Two children playing croquet on a grass lawn

Croquet is the quintessential British game to play outside on sunny days. You don’t need acres of space to have a go, just enough lawn to set up all the hoops. With this eye-catching Queen of Hearts set, you can play the old school version of the game or one with a ridiculous twist.

Inflatable limbo 

Inflatable limbo set on a green lawn

If you want something that’s less of a sport and more of a party game, but no less competitive, you need this inflatable limbo set in your life. It always goes down a storm with kids and big kids alike – and if want to make it a central part of a raucous tropical-themed celebration, go here to say ‘Aloha!’ to our party guide. The only question that needs answering when the limbo comes out is ‘how low can you go?!’ 


Next time you head to the park for a family picnic or a meet up with friends, make sure you take one of these superb wooden rounders sets with you. Divide into two teams (with a mixture of ages on both sides). When you’re batting, the only thing you need to remember to is run for it, even if you swing and miss.

Water fight

On hot days, a full on water fight is the best and most exciting way for children to cool off. Our water fight kits are just what you need, coming with two pump-action foam water shooters and 100 water balloons. Kids absolutely love soaking adults, so either get involved or stay well away from the line of fire.

Disc golf

Golf isn’t exactly a game that can be played in your nearest park, but disc golf certainly can be. Find a decent sized patch of ground and then set up your course with the posts provided. Whoever gets round in the fewest number of throws wins. An excellent summer pursuit - and not a heavy golf bag in sight.

Bat and ball set

If you are heading off on a beach holiday, don’t forget to pack one of these bat and ball sets – it’s the ultimate game to play with the sea lapping around your ankles. Not going away? It’s still a great activity for the back garden. The tropical design will help bring a bit of extra holiday spirit to your staycation.

Sports Day Kit

Can’t decide what game to play? No problem, just get one of our sports day kits and make an afternoon of it. The kit comes with equipment for egg and spoon races, three-legged dashes, hopscotch and relays. Do a family sports day with the kids or throw a ‘back to school’ themed party for your pals.

Explore our full range of summer games and activities here

We hope you enjoy playing outdoor games this summer. If you buy a Party Pieces item, don't forget to tag us on social media @partypieces in your photos - we love to see you having fun!


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